Death Cases That Not Covered In Term Life Insurance

3 min readSep 2, 2021


Death Cases That Not Covered In Term Life Insurance

Regarding making sure your loved ones’ future is secured, term life insurance is one of the most well-known options for you. Term life insurance grants a lump sum death benefit to the insured’s family if there should be an occurrence of an inevitability. Even though life insurance plans intend to give insurance coverage to the insured individual’s recipient, there are certain prohibited death cases, so it’s important to know which death cases are not covered in your policy. This article will talk about the kinds of deaths that are not covered by term life coverage.

Suicidal Death

A common situation where term life insurance coverage will not payout is in the case of suicide. Suppose the policyholder commits suicide within the specified time frame of the suicide clause policy, usually the first two years of the policy. In that case, the beneficiary won’t get the death benefits. Be that as it may, most insurers provide suicide coverage from the second year onwards from the date of acquisition of the policy, subject to terms and conditions.

Smoking And Other Health-Related Issue

The incontestability clause becomes the most critical factor again if you were not precisely straightforward about your past smoking habits or if you somehow neglected to refer to that you have a condition, for example, hypertension. On the off chance that the insurance company discovers this during this one-to two-year time span, it has the option to drop your policy. Suppose you don’t refer to that you have hypertension on your application in the same vein. Afterward, you bite the dust in a way that has nothing to do with your hypertension — might be in an auto crash — inside the time of contestability. The insurance company could affirm that you had hypertension and that it might have been the reason for your death. In which case, they will not pay your beneficiary the death benefits.

Illegal Activities

It goes back to that initial proclamation about sound judgment. If you pass on while carrying out wrongdoing or partaking in illegal activity, the insurance company can decline to make a payment. For instance, if someone is murdered while stealing a vehicle, the company will not pay the beneficiary. OK. That’s genuinely self-evident. This next point may amaze you. Consider the possibility that you’re doing something illegal and you don’t know. Perhaps you’re strolling on private property. Intruding is a crime — even if you don’t realize you’re intruding. Suppose a dog is pursuing you, and you have respiratory failure and bite the dust. If it appears that you were invading, your claim could be denied.

Death Under The Influence Of Alcohol

On the off chance that a policyholder’s death is due to driving under the influence of liquor or opiate substances, the insurance company will dismiss the claim.

Death Due To Natural Disaster

If a policyholder with a term life insurance plan kicks the bucket due to a natural disaster or a catastrophic event, for example, a quake, or tropical storm, at that point, the beneficiary won’t get the claim from the insurance company.




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